Brush Management
It’s Time to Reclaim Your Land
We turn back time and reclaim land with the biggest saw and large rubber-tracked loader

Brush Management
Brush encroachment is one of the biggest problems in both grassland and cross timbers ecosystems. It reduces the amount of grazable acres for ranching operations and degrades wildlife habitat. The “green glacier” (eastern redcedar) is swallowing land from Texas to the Dakotas. Hedge trees (also called: crab apple, Osage orange, hedge apple, and bois d’arc) that were once planted for hedge rows, and pear trees (Bradford and Callery) that are used in landscaping, are both spreading and can be difficult to control. Native trees such as elm, hackberry, ash, and walnuts will also invade areas when fire is not used as a management tool. We work on lands of all sizes, with all kinds of problems, to combat brush problems. Unfortunately, we follow up projects done incorrectly by other companies. Land management is not just about the equipment, it’s also about the knowledge of the land, the species, and how to accurately manage each piece of the puzzle.
Brush Removal
We clear all different species of trees, big and small. Our 42” saw allows us to cut just about any tree out there. Our Ground Force tree saw allows us to cut brush at ground level. Unless there are rocks in the way, we don’t leave stumps.
Stump Treating
Our built-in herbicide applicator, mixed with dye, allows us to accurately treat stumps of resprouting species, which is everything but Eastern Redcedar in this area. Unless the stump is treated correctly, brush will resprout in a shrubby form, and it will be even harder to kill. You don’t want to pay twice to kill the same tree. Make sure the operator you hire knows what they are doing and has the right equipment for the job. We follow up improperly treated projects all of the time.
Following a clearing, we strategically pile brush with our large grapple bucket. There is an art to piling brush to ensure piles burn up completely. We highly recommend piling. It takes significantly longer for trees to burn up if left scattered across the landscape. Not to mention, we hate flat tires.
Why We’re Different Than Other Brush Clearing Companies
We are NOT just an equipment operator, that alone separates us from almost all of them. But to dive a little further, our equipment is a tool, one of many in our toolbox, that we use to reach land goals. Time and time again we follow up projects that another operator did incorrectly. There is a lot more to brush management than simply purchasing the equipment and pushing buttons. Knowledge of the native ecosystems, plant species, soil types, plant succession, etc. is absolutely crucial when someone is managing your land.

We operate top-of-the-line equipment. We run a large Caterpillar, rubber-tracked loader that can handle just about anything, with minimal soil disturbance. We run a Ground Force high-speed tree saw and large grapple bucket. Our 42” saw can take down the biggest trees, at record speed, and at ground level.
Why We Do Not Use A Tree Mulcher
Mulchers are NOT equipped with stump treatment options. There is only one woody species in the area that doesn’t require stump treating. Therefore, if it was alive befor eoyu mulch it, it will come back bushier, and harder to kill.
Large mulch piles significantly slows the recovery process of the land.
Large mulch piles can be difficult to burn; however, they can also create a wildfire hazard.
And, we don’t like flat tires.
We work with conservation grants such as EQIP, and other cost-share programs and with privately funded projects. If you’re planning a brush removal project, contact us as soon as you can to get on our schedule.